All posts by SteveZ

Foreclosure Debt New York and Beyond

How long will it take before the American nightmare of home foreclosures is over? Ask Mike Dillon, who’s been fighting to keep his New Hampshire home for most of the past decade.

Though he missed two payments in 2002, Dillon then caught up and was current on his loan by later that year, he said. That’s when his mortgage problems began.

After the company servicing his mortgage failed to properly credit monthly payments to his account, it placed the loan in default. As he worked to straighten out the bookkeeping, with canceled checks in hand, the servicer began adding additional fees for property inspections, insurance and other charges.

In 2005, a New Hampshire judge agreed that the servicer’s “sleight of accounting resulted in improper assessments” against Dillon and, citing a “predatory scheme of penalties,” barred the  foreclosure and ordered that the loan be reinstated without penalties as of August 2005.

Five years later, Dillon is still in court trying to resolve the dispute. While he is no longer under threat of foreclosure, he is still fighting to get clear title to his home.

“I’ve got nine years of my life tied up in this case, and it’s done a lot of financial and emotional damage to me,” said Dillon. “This isn’t about money in the long run. This is about the principle of the issue — somebody tried to steal my house.”

Three years after the housing bubble collapsed under the weight of lax mortgage underwriting, some 5.5 million families have lost their homes or are in the process of losing their homes to foreclosure. Estimates vary, but analysts say there are at least that many more foreclosures likely before the wave subsides.

And the number could go far higher:  Without a change in government policy, some 11 million borrowers are at risk of losing their homes, according to a research report earlier this month by Amherst Securities, which advises investors in mortgage-backed securities. That’s roughly one-fifth of the 55 million mortgages outstanding on the 80 million homes in the U.S.

Almost everyone involved agrees the the foreclosure mess will likely take years more to resolve, potentially postponing any meaningful economic recovery.

“There is no magic bullet,” said Iowa Attorney General Tom Miller, who is leading an investigation by all 50 states into recent disclosures that banks and loan servicers cut legal corners in an effort to speed the foreclosure process.

The investigation was triggered by recent disclosures that some major lenders used “robo-signers” –- employees who claimed they had verified mortgage documents without actually reviewing them -– to try to speed the foreclosure process. The disclosures brought a temporary freeze on foreclosures, but most lenders now say they have reviewed their procedures and are back on track.

The wave of foreclosures over the past few years has overwhelmed a system that was designed to collect payments from borrowers with performing loans -– not remove people from their homes.

“Even if we didn’t have the problem of robo-signers, with the sheer number of foreclosures we’re now seeing, the system was never designed to handle that kind of volume,” said Michael Waiwood, CEO of EnTitle Insurance, a Cleveland-based title insurance company, who has been in the industry for three decades. “This is far worse than everything I’ve ever experienced. It’s a very serious situation.”

Hundreds of borrowers have told of spending months – or years – trying to work out more affordable payments with their lenders to stay in their homes. Even with the help of housing counselors, attorneys and legal aid workers, many have been unable to untangle the thicket of red tape required to modify a loan.

“There a lot of people who can be helped who are not being helped,” said John Taylor, president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a housing advocacy group. “They’re being strung out and getting a lot of lip service.  … Some of the lenders are trying, but a lot aren’t.”

Lenders say part of the problem is that borrowers facing foreclosure are struggling against multiple causes of default. In some cases, they agreed to loan terms they couldn’t afford or didn’t understand. Others were victims of fraud and predatory lending, including onerous interest rate “resets” and prepayment penalties that have since been banned. Many  homeowners who might have otherwise steered clear of default have lost their jobs and been unable to find new employment in the harsh economic climate.

Consumer and bankruptcy lawyers are also uncovering cases, like Mike Dillon’s, where the courts have agreed that the underlying problems were not simply the result of innocent mistakes made in haste or by untrained employees.

“It’s been an extremely widespread problem,” said O. Max Garner, a North Carolina attorney who runs a “boot camp” for bankruptcy lawyers defending homeowners against foreclosure.  “I’ve had cases against every major servicer and minor servicer in the country regarding misapplication of payments, fees and charges that have been added to debtor accounts that weren’t noticed out, or approved or consented to by anybody – especially the bankruptcy court.”

Federal, state and local governments have launched multiple programs to help head off foreclosures, but most have fallen far short of their goals. The largest, by far, has been the federal Home Affordable Modification Program that was created as part of the $700 billion banking industry bailout. When the HAMP program was launched in March, 2009, some $50 billion set aside from the bailout fund to help homeowners.

Since then just $600 million – or 1 percent – has been spent, according to a report released Monday by the special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program. That report sharply criticized both the HAMP program and the Treasury Department’s implementation of it:

“(Treasury) now finds itself defending a program that is failing to meet TARP’s goal of ‘perserving homeownership,'” the report said. “As a result, a program that began with much promise must be counted among those that risk generating public anger and

The housing finance food chain, which during the boom created more than $1 trillion worth of bonds backed by mortgages, is also under strain as investors challenge the paper trail that leads back to losses on defaulted loans. One critical link in that chain is a system set up to speed the process of securitizing mortgages known as the MERS, or Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems. Lawyers in several states have challenged the legal validity of mortgage transfers made by that system, which bypassed the traditional system of records in local government land offices. MERS manages some 65 million mortgages.

For some  investors, the uncertainty surrounding the legal quagmire is reminiscent of the turmoil in 2007, when officials including Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson assured the markets that the problems associated with predatory lending and lax underwriting were “contained.”

Now, foreclosures are sweeping up a broad swath of homeowners. many of whom have simply fallen victim to the tough economy. About 30 percent of homeowners with mortgages have less than 5 percent equity, including many who are underwater, or owe more than their house is worth. If home prices continue falling, that puts roughly $650 billion worth of outstanding mortgages at risk, according to Brian Maillian, founder and CEO of Whitestone Capital.

“This could be a large hit for the entire industry,” he told CNBC. “When you look at the scope of the problem, it’s a very, very large problem. No one anticipated a perfect storm happening and the problems we had in 2007. I would argue that the same dynamic is occurring here. We really don’t know how deep the hole is.”

© 2010 Reprints

Chapter 13 Lawyer Can Do Alot

Around the United States, consumers are trying to get back on their feet following the recent economic crisis.   As growth is coming around the corner, many Americans are facing mounting debt and continued creditor calls.  Sometimes, bankruptcy is the financial new start that will help many consumers get back in the black.

Filing bankruptcy is not an easy decision, and should only be considered after all other options are exhausted.   If you are considering filing, contact a dedicated Bankruptcy attorney as soon as possible.  This attorney will be able to determine whether you are qualified to file bankruptcy, ands help advice you throughout the process.

Bankruptcy is not a magic cure all for your financial issues , but there are a few benefits.   It will immediately stop all creditors from demanding payment until after your debts are squared away.  It will also allow you a chance to catch up on missed payments, prevent repossession of your car, end foreclosure filing against your home and restore or prevent termination of your utility services.

Consult closely with your debt attorney, and be sure you understand what filing for bankruptcy cannot do .  It cannot dismiss the rights of secured creditors, including those who hold mortgages for your home.  Bankruptcy cannot erase debts singled out by bankruptcy law, such as alimony, child support or student loans.  It will not protect any cosigners on your debt or discharge debts that occur after bankruptcy is filed.

Chapter 13

Any time you file bankruptcy it is damaging to your credit history, but Chapter 13 will do the least permanent damage .  Normally a bankruptcy stays on your credit history for 10 years but if you receive your Chapter 13 discharge, the Chapter 13 will be off your credit report in 7 years from when you originally filed the Chapter 13.  With a Chapter 13, you will have to submit a plan with the court that details a payment schedule of past due debts to be paid over the next 3 to 5 years   It grants you the right to keep valuable property, including your car or your home, which could be lost in other forms of bankruptcy filing.

Your bankruptcy attorney will normally recommend Chapter 13 if you own your home and are in danger of losing it; if you are behind in your debt but could catch up given a little time; or if you have valuable property that is not exempt in other bankruptcy filings that you will not need to liquidate to pay your debts.

Should you decide to file, your Chapter 13 plan will need to be accepted by the Court and you will begin to make Chapter 13 payments to the Court-appointed Trustee.  You will be responsible for making a monthly payment to the Trustee who will disburse the money to all of your creditors.   Your bankruptcy attorney will be able to explain the payment process to you .  The Trustee will meet with you and your bankruptcy attorney in which the Trustee will review the Chapter 13 Plan to decide if it is acceptable to the Court.

In determining what kinds of debts go into your payment plan, your bankruptcy attorney will first determine what kinds of debt you have.  Your debts will be divided into three categories: secured debts paid outside the payment plan; secured debts paid as part of the payment plan; and unsecured debts.

Secured debts like mortgage payments are generally paid outside of the payment plan and directly by you.   These debts must continue to be paid on-time or else collection efforts can continue.  Generally, secured debts like a car payment are paid as part of the payment plan.  The car loan company will still receive their payment and generally cannot repossess your vehicle so long as you remain current with your Chapter 13 payment.

The final kind of debt called unsecured debt includes debts like credit card debt, personal loans, and medical bills.    These debts are always paid in your Chapter 13 plan at 0% interest and normally at a significantly reduced amount than the full amount owed.  This is where the majority of consumers find the Chapter 13 to be the most beneficial to obtain the financial relief they are looking for.

Finally, any creditors outside the court’s payment plan – or debts accrued after bankruptcy was filed – must be paid on a timely basis.  These debts can include utility bills or credit card bills, and will fall outside the scope of the bankruptcy court’s jurisdiction.

Before deciding to file for Chapter 13 or any other form of bankruptcy, it is crucial to consult with a dedicated debt collection lawyer.  Only someone who specializes in bankruptcy law can give you the right advice about how to continue and whether bankruptcy is the best option for you.

Foreclosure: What’s Really Going on?

Why should we care that an employee of GMAC Mortgage admitted to signing 400 foreclosure affidavits a day without reading the loan files to verify that the information in the affidavits was correct?

The outrage over the GMAC robo-signer and his counterparts at other mortgage companies caused several large mortgage servicers to halt foreclosures, which in turn led people to question the effect of these bad documents. Did buyers at faulty foreclosure sales receive good title? (Most likely yes — the law protects title obtained as a result of a foreclosure judgment). Weren’t the homeowners who lost their homes in default anyway? If so, why does it matter that the documents were faulty?

The second two questions beg for an explanation of the business context in which the robo-signers operate. The very term “robo-signer” suggests automation of the signing process, even though humans are, in fact, signing the documents. But the act of signing the documents is the end of a highly automated mortgage servicing process that operates with no human intervention and is well-known to be prone to mistakes.

The harms of automation are many. In recent weeks, the securitization system has come under attack because in the financial world’s zeal to make mortgage debt easily transferable, responsible parties failed to accurately track the paths that mortgage paper often takes. Even when the correct person is foreclosing on the mortgage, the documents are often rife with mistakes.

Subprime mortgage loans carry high fees. Lots of high fees. High fees generated by automated systems with no human intervention. A bankruptcy case filed in Louisiana several years ago illustrates some of the harms of automation. Before filing for bankruptcy, the homeowner had missed one mortgage payment and, for the next several months, paid an extra $100 with each paymentr to make up her missed payment. Because the servicer’s automated system considered each subsequent payment to be late, it ordered numerous inspections of the property, each of which resulted in fees being added to her debt. When a human being finally looked at the records in the bankruptcy case, it became clear that two different houses were inspected. Even more shockingly, one of the inspections was reportedly conducted on a date on which the inspection would have been impossible — the area in which the house was located was under an evacuation order because of Hurricane Katrina. This is not an isolated incident — when a homeowner makes a late payment or an insufficient payment, these systems often fail to apply the payment to the debt owed, diverting the payments to “suspense accounts.” As a result, every subsequent payment is registered as a late payment, resulting in additional late fees, interest charges, inspection fees and fees for other default-related services.

Americans trust that a well-functioning legal system will protect their basic rights. Most people know that a person cannot be convicted of a crime without a properly conducted legal process. To ensure that a criminal trial is conducted properly, the judge will allow only evidence that was properly obtained, even if “everyone knows” that the defendant is guilty. Some may consider this rule to be unfair, but it protects the integrity of our legal system.

Those faced with the loss of their homes also deserve the protection of a well-functioning legal system. Our courts ensure that people do not lose property or liberty without due process of law. When documents are created by automated processes and signed with no human verification that these processes are accurate, the court system’s effectiveness in protecting property rights is called into question. The evidence before the court is unreliable. So are the witnesses.

Even if a homeowner has missed a payment on her mortgage, she is still entitled to accurate information from the bank in order to defend herself. Maybe she will lose her home anyway, but there is a dispute over how much she owes (in the overwhelming majority of states, a homeowner whose home is worth less than the amount owing on the mortgage is liable for a deficiency). Maybe she has filed for bankruptcy in order to cure defaults and keep her home. Courts need accurate information from the banks in order to resolve these disputes. Whether the homeowner is in state court fighting foreclosure or in Bankruptcy Court fighting to save her home, she needs accurate information from the person best able to provide her with her payment history, the mortgage servicer. If this payment history is recorded in a completely automated system, some human being must review it before it is presented in court. A person who is signing 10,000 affidavits a month is clearly not reviewing these files. A homeowner facing foreclosure can ill afford to investigate the accuracy of a servicer’s accounting system. The integrity of the legal process depends on this accuracy.

Juliet M. Moringiello is a professor at Widener University School of Law.

Americans trust that a well-functioning legal system will protect their basic rights. Most people know that a person cannot be convicted of a crime without a properly conducted legal process. To ensure that a criminal trial is conducted properly, the judge will allow only evidence that was properly obtained, even if “everyone knows” that the defendant is guilty. Some may consider this rule to be unfair, but it protects the integrity of our legal system.

Those faced with the loss of their homes also deserve the protection of a well-functioning legal system. Our courts ensure that people do not lose property or liberty without due process of law. When documents are created by automated processes and signed with no human verification that these processes are accurate, the court system’s effectiveness in protecting property rights is called into question. The evidence before the court is unreliable. So are the witnesses.

Even if a homeowner has missed a payment on her mortgage, she is still entitled to accurate information from the bank in order to defend herself. Maybe she will lose her home anyway, but there is a dispute over how much she owes (in the overwhelming majority of states, a homeowner whose home is worth less than the amount owing on the mortgage is liable for a deficiency). Maybe she has filed for bankruptcy in order to cure defaults and keep her home. Courts need accurate information from the banks in order to resolve these disputes. Whether the homeowner is in state court fighting foreclosure or in Bankruptcy Court fighting to save her home, she needs accurate information from the person best able to provide her with her payment history, the mortgage servicer. If this payment history is recorded in a completely automated system, some human being must review it before it is presented in court. A person who is signing 10,000 affidavits a month is clearly not reviewing these files. A homeowner facing foreclosure can ill afford to investigate the accuracy of a servicer’s accounting system. The integrity of the legal process depends on this accuracy.

Juliet M. Moringiello is a professor at Widener University School of Law.

Bankruptcy: Know Your Options

It could be very much imperative for you to know that while a debtor can consider filing personal bankruptcy any number of times, you could qualify for a total discharge of debts only once in eight years. Remember that bankruptcy involves a legal procedure which needs to be followed and is therefore subject to numerous rules and regulations.

It could be very much imperative for you to know that while a debtor can consider filing personal bankruptcy any number of times, you could qualify for a total discharge of debts only once in eight years. Remember that bankruptcy involves a legal procedure which needs to be followed and is therefore subject to numerous rules and regulations. Typically, as per bankruptcy laws, if you have been discharged for debts by undergoing bankruptcy process during the past 8 years, your debts might not be eligible for a discharge. Many debtors, who have previously been discharged for debts, get intrigued by the question, How often can I file bankruptcy? The answer Continue reading Bankruptcy: Know Your Options

Bankruptcy FAQ

Will bankruptcy discharge all my debts?

• A Chapter 7 bankruptcy will discharge most debts. Exceptions are taxes or student loans. Also, you may choose to keep or reaffirm certain debts in bankruptcy, such as mortgages or car loans, that are secured by the property.

• When are my debts discharged in bankruptcy?

• The day you file bankruptcy, your debts are frozen. About four to five months after filing, Continue reading Bankruptcy FAQ

The Foreclosure Fiasco

We’ve suggested that a huge wildcard in the on-going foreclosure fiasco is the response of the 50 state attorneys general. One outcome is that they will seek some sort of global settlement based on the idea of forced modifications, essentially “cram downs.” Sheila Bair, for example,  has proposed a global solution that would give banks legal protection from lawsuits in exchange for extending at least a 25 percent reduction in the monthly mortgage payment. That in essence is a cram down. BlackRock has recently come out in favor of cram downs.

But the banking industry is letting it be known it will fight such terms. The industry has fought this battle before, or something quite close to it. Last year, a bankruptcy bill, sponsored by Sen. Richard Durbin, sought to give bankruptcy judges the power to Continue reading The Foreclosure Fiasco